Good topics for a persuasive essays
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Implementation and Challenges of Lean Concept in Human resources Essay Example for Free
Usage and Challenges of Lean Concept in Human assets Essay Going lean is the discussion of the period. Practically all the large associations are embracing lean practices; producing as well as the board. In this review I will talk about how HR as an organizationââ¬â¢s capacity can help in lean change. A fundamentally significant issue in lean achievement, a little while ago coming into clear view, is the connection between the (HR) capacity and lean change. Incidentally, the HR work, even at its best, is regularly considered as just an inactive supporter of lean change. Even under the least favorable conditions, it is supposed to be a hindrance to advance. There are two aspects to the connection among lean and HR. To begin with, it is plainly obvious that the HR functionââ¬just like some other office in a companyââ¬needs to apply lean practices and standards toward process improvement in its own work. Second, the HR work needs to effectively bolster and authorize lean change all through the organization. The HR work, by righteousness of its collaborations with for all intents and purposes all aspects of an organization, is really in a perfect situation to be an amazing partner in lean change, IF lean pioneers put forth the attempt to enroll its guide. Here we are talking about how HR makes a critical commitment to lean accomplishment with dynamic help in a few key zones. What is Lean (idea) Lean standards originate from the Japanese assembling industry. The term was first authored by John Krafcik. From its beginning Lean was considered as assembling apparatus however today lean has advanced from only an instrument to a way of thinking of progress. The center thought of Lean way of thinking is to boost client esteem while limiting waste. Essentially, lean methods making more an incentive for clients with less assets. A lean association comprehends client esteem and centers its key procedures to persistently expand it. A definitive objective is to give ideal incentive to the client through an ideal worth creation process that has zero waste. To achieve this, lean reasoning changes the focal point of the executives from improving separate innovations, resources, and vertical offices to enhancing the progression of items and administrations through whole worth streams that stream evenly across advancements, resources, and offices to clients. Disposing of waste along whole worth streams, rather than at detached focuses, makes forms that need less human exertion, less space, less capital, and less an ideal opportunity to make items and administrations at far less expenses and with many less imperfections, contrasted and customary business frameworks. Organizations can react to changing client wants with high assortment, top notch, minimal effort, and with quick throughput times. Likewise, data the executives turns out to be a lot less complex and increasingly precise. Lean for creation and administrations A well known confusion is that lean is fit uniquely for assembling. False. Lean applies in each business and each procedure. It's anything but a strategy or a cost decrease program, yet a perspective and representing a whole association. Organizations in all enterprises and administrations, including social insurance and governments, are utilizing lean standards as the manner in which they think and do. Numerous associations decide not to utilize the word lean, yet to name what they do as their own framework, for example, the Toyota Production System or the Danaher Business System. Why? To commute home the point that lean isn't a program or momentary cost decrease program, however the manner in which the organization works. The word change or lean change is frequently used to portray an organization moving from an old perspective to lean reasoning. It requires a total change on how an organization conducts business. This takes a drawn out viewpoint and persistence. The term lean was authored to portray Toyotas business during the late 1980s by an exploration group headed by Jim Womack. Lean Thinking Lean changes consider three key business gives that should direct the change of the whole association: Purpose: What client issues will the endeavor tackle to accomplish its own motivation of thriving? Procedure: How will the association survey each significant worth stream to ensure each progression is important, fit, accessible, satisfactory, adaptable, and that all the means are connected by stream, pull, and leveling? Individuals: How can the association protect that each significant procedure has somebody answerable for consistently assessing that worth stream regarding business reason and slender procedure? By what means can everybody contacting the worth stream be effectively occupied with working it accurately and ceaselessly improving it? Similarly as a woodworker needs a dream of what to work so as to get the full advantage of a mallet, Lean Thinkers need a dream before getting lean apparatuses, said Womack. Contemplating reason, process, individuals is the way to doing this.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cause of an individual social emotional and behaviour education essay
2. It would be ideal if you utilize the headers in the case to delineate the effect this course/module has had in your expert scene. I. on you This workforce has influenced the way I see and oversee understudies in a standard scene who display aspects of SEBD ; it has given me new thoughts and contemplations to look into. It has driven me to oppugn current conduct arrangements and see what teachers can set in topographic point in the schoolroom to flexibly progressively solid plans. two. on your understudies For the understudies I instruct with SEBD it has made me increasingly perceptive of potential issues and mediations and empowered me to indict support for them in a progressively proficient mode. three. on your collaborators Partners in my module have been keen on cognizing what I am breaking down ; we have made them intrigue medicines partner to aspects of SEBD. I feel that I have had the option to offer some insight in explicit condition of affairss with understudies or possibly to elevate associates to see interchange positions and plans. four. on the foundation While my school are non financing me for this class of study and I accomplish non work straight in the SEN segment I have had the option to loan more to entire school issues partner to kids with SEBD through a working gathering and inside my module. This is a nation I would like to create over the accompanying 2 mature ages. 3. Is at that place some other effect this personnel has had? ( eg. on your exposure possibilities, on your projects for the great beyond ) I have been reserved with regards to whether I need to go into pro guidance in the Fieldss of SEBD or mental imbalance ( I am dissecting chemical imbalance in twelvemonth 2 ) . At the moment, I am go forthing this assurance detached. As a female parent of a child with aspergers who is in an EBD optional school ( as this is apparently the most suitable stipulation ) this workforce has fuelled my inclusion in working with high working ASD kids who show crazy conduct and passionate difficulties as this does non appear to be to the full tended to in ASD backing and instruction.. 4. What proposals do you hold about improvements that may be made to the personnel? A portion of the log exercises have been difficult to complete to the full because of the idea of my expert capacity ( a worry educator in a major standard school ) . It might be fascinating to see methods of opening a few exercises to understudies in comparative condition of affairss. Despite the fact that I was satisfied all things considered with my input for the training task, I differ a little with the rubric expression as it expressed ââ¬Å" An educator assault youâ⬠¦ â⬠and ââ¬Å" the teacher would wish counsel.. â⬠and ââ¬Å" delineate your attackâ⬠¦ â⬠yet we were non expected to offer guidance directly to the teacher what's more non to be spellbinding. I felt the rubric ought to be more clear especially in the offer footings furthermore standpoints made increasingly communicated the same number of us have non composed scholastically for a truly long clipâ⬠¦ I think a few understudies were uncertain of what was normal. If you don't mind mark the case in every explanation that best portray your situations on the securing technique experienced This staff hasaëâ â ¦ Firmly hold Concur Oppose this idea Firmly vary Positively affected my procurement Yttrium Positively affected my expert example Yttrium Connected emphatically with the substance Yttrium Given me proper guidance on more extensive perusing. Yttrium Given me course to great mentor counsel Yttrium Given me a proper task Yttrium In the event that you have a particular issue that you would wish to talk independently so enchant incorporate your name and contact inside informations or email Dr Visser directly at j.g.visser @ Name: Contact inside informations Understanding the reason for a man ââ¬Ës cultural, passionate and conduct inconveniences is basic before you can do an effective intervention. Basically evaluate this averment in the noticeable radiation of a movement you have attempted as segment of this staff. Presentation Delinquents, moral blockheads and maladjusted children are just a portion of the marks generally credited to people demonstrating the difficulties accordingly named as enthusiastic and conduct inconveniences ( Ministry of Education 1995 ) . In this paper the significance of understanding the reasons for a man ââ¬Ës cultural, passionate and conduct inconveniences ( SEBD ) is investigated according to whether this misgiving is basic for the execution of effective mediations. This exposition predominantly considers people inside the UK instructive framework which covers kids/youngsters between the ages of 4 and 16. In the overview and guidance of people with SEBD at that spot is by all accounts an insufficiency of consistency in how the name is deciphered and applied ; the structures and meanings of SEBD will subsequently be considered alongside current inclinations in the figure of young people analyzed as SEBD so as to offer setting to this nation of treatment. Another cardinal nation of dissimilarity is the hypothetical position received when estimating and taking care of a man with SEBD. The hypothetical positions each present an alternate assault to etiology and interventions, these will be considered comparable to significance of cause in the balance of each and how they lead to mediations. The cardinal proclamation will so focus on the significance of getting cause and inspect grounds from distributed writing, research and strategies to back up this followed by treatment of why understanding reason may non be imperative so as to execute effective interventions. The general reason for existing is to decide if interventions are primarily founded on thought of the etiology of conduct and whether there is grounds to bespeak their prosperity. Without a doubt Harden ( 2003 ) inferred that there was inadequate reason for conspire effectivity in social difficulties. The subject of cause and interventions was talked about with individual experts in an online treatment ( Vygotsky, Skinner and Montessori treatment bunch October 2010 and A ; November 2010 ) and notice will be made to the two anecdotal occasion surveies which shaped the balance of these down to earth medicines. In the initial a male youngster, Ronnie, no data was given on his experience so the point of convergence was on the found out wild conduct in school and the educator accepting he has SEBD. In the second a 11 twelvemonth old miss, Vicki, unmistakably more thing was given including her ongoing transportation to optional school ; above standard understanding achievements, guardians isolated and with new companions, the chance of epilepsy, refusal to make prep and getting into issue at school. These medications inspired an extent of positions on etiology, the interest for data perchance partner to do and the idea of examination and mediations. As a rule the contributing experts de monstrated a craving to hold more data about each child and to interpret the effect of foundation factors on the difficulties being watched in spite of the fact that there was little acknowledgment of why this data was required ( Farrugia, 2010 ) . What is comprehended by cultural, passionate and conduct inconveniences ( SEBD ) ? One of the overruling issues in the field of SEBD is the equivocalness in anxiety and assignment of people who may hold cultural, enthusiastic and social issues with the individuals who have less awful subject occupations ( Evan, Harden, Thomas 2004 ) . This presents the principal inconvenience as the assurance to sort a man as holding SEBD is with the person who recognizes some aspect of conduct as easily proven wrong and is dependent on that individual ââ¬Ës ideas. Government distributions have given a few depictions of which two are considered in this exposition. In Round 9/94 ( DfE 1994 ) Emotional and Behavioral Difficulty ( EBD ) is depicted as being between: ââ¬Å" conduct which challenges the teacher yet is inside typical, yet unsatisfactory, limits and that which is explanatory of genuine mental unwellness. The separation between typical however focused on practices, passionate and social difficulties starting from mental unwellness is of import on the grounds that every interest to be dealt with something else. â⬠( p.4 ) The definition centers around the social aspect rather than passionate and demonstrates it is a vocation for the educators consequently shortening the difficulties to instructive scenes. Translation of what might be viewed as unsatisfactory is thus prone to follow in conflicting assignment of the kinds of children educators recognize as holding EBD ( Soles, Bloom, Heath, Karagiannakis 2008 ) . In The Particular Educational Needs ( SEN ) Code of Practice ( 2001 ) , the definition was altered to incorporate cultural difficulties thus extended to cultural, enthusiastic and conduct inconveniences ( SEBD ) , the codification characterizes those with cultural, passionate and social difficulties ( SEBD ) as: Kids and juvenile individuals who exhibit qualities of passionate and conduct inconveniences, who are pulled back or detached, wild and troubling, overactive and need fixation ; those with youthful cultural achievements ; and those demonstrating aspiring practices beginning from other complex specific requests ( Paragraph 7:60 ) This portrayal depicts an extent of highlights related with this agitated and perceives that such practices can develop from other specific instructive requests. This presents a more extensive range of practices connected with passionate and cultural difficulties and stays detached to the individual perusing of those communicating with such children. The insufficiency of clarity of the structures could be connected to the expanding figure of children analyzed as holding SEBD being recorded in English schools. In 2008 149,040 children had an interest of EBD on school activity in addition to or statemented at essential, auxiliary and specific territory financed schools, this was an expansion of 6.98 % twelvemonth on twelvemonth ( DCSF 2008 ) , EBD spoke to the second most appeal after
Friday, August 21, 2020
Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Cannabis - Essay Example The convenience of pot can't be denied its due right anyway as it is available inside various meds and in mending ailments and sicknesses. In this way the negativities can without much of a stretch be counterbalanced with the positives that encompass cannabis fundamentally. The mending point of view is even more important to state since it records the fundamental angles that are available inside weed. The discernment related with weed should be changed so as to have a superior perspective of the equivalent inside the general public. The correct side of cannabis must be engendered more than the downsides, since it is the need of great importance (Engs 1997). Proceeding onward, the body impacts of cannabis include the redness inside eyes, the lessening in intra-visual weight just as the dryness inside mouth. There is additionally the vibe of warmth and cold inside the skin with the option of pulse getting quicker and muscles getting loose because of the admission of maryjane. Its use c reates uneasiness and prompts gloom and psychosis. The causal system has not had the option to set up as of present occasions. There has been proof accessible at specific spots where substantial use of pot has prompted respiratory failures too (Graves 2005). All the more frequently it has been seen that cannabis clients have detailed certain irregularities which have involved any semblance of amygdale and hippocampus areas which are situated inside the human mind. An examination by Dr. Sontineni exhibited how constant marijuanaââ¬â¢s utilization prompted a type of habitual washing conduct by the patient. Moreover, the advantages joined with cannabis incorporate the way that it has had the option to help patients concerning their sickness and regurgitating issues. It has tended to the issues that have gone under the positions of anorexia just as weight reduction. The people with development issue, asthma, spasticity, glaucoma and other excruciating conditions are encouraged with t he use of maryjane, as has been shown through appropriate research and proof throughout the years. The advantages and valid statements related with cannabis appear to be avoided one and all because of various reasons. It without a doubt is a disgrace since this medication has various positives concerning the whole society. Individuals ought to have a delicate corner for maryjane in light of the fact that it conveys help and help upon them (Cohen 2006). Anyway the smoking of pot has in the end been an issue for a significant drawn-out period of time now and in this manner it restores each now thus regularly. Analysts have appeared through changed examinations on weed that its rough structure has in excess of 400 synthetic concoctions that require its convenience. At the point when smoked, the 400 synthetic compounds separate into various synthetic substances which are fluctuated in structure and size. Much research has been founded on the unrefined type of maryjane and undoubtedly po t basically, which delineates its convenience in total. The therapeutic job quickly closes when pot is smoked, subsequently speaking to the way that its helpfulness has been at its most minimal ebb (Kreit 2003). The social dangers connected with maryjane are obvious in any case. The mishaps that have been accounted for in media have pretty much been accused because of over the top utilization of pot and its smoked structure. It has assumed a negative job at removing the sheen from the convenience of maryjane in its most genuine sense. Individuals have commonly accused pot as a result of the various issues which come appended with it. The advantages have essentially been disregarded for all an inappropriate reasons. The job of
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Evaluation of the Environment of AW Malaysia - Free Essay Example
PURPOSE OF REPORT This report will present a finding from strategic evaluation of the environment of AW Malaysia. It also presents a turnaround strategic for AW Malaysia which increases the chance of survival. SCOPE OF THE REPORT In this report that will be microenvironment analysis, internal analysis, macro environment analysis, as well as any strategic to AW Malaysia. It also given strategic option and explain about the implementation of strategic, and finally the recommendation for AW Malaysia to turnaround. LIMITATION OF AW MALAYSIA In 2001, AW Malaysia was bought over by KUB Malaysia SDN BHD. In 2008, boarded on a destructive expansion drive to renovation and expand its objective. However, the company reported that will close 24 AW outlet that is not making money will be shut down or repositioned, which include 24-hour AW drive-in restaurant in Petaling Jaya in this year. OVERVIEW OF AW MALAYSIA AW Restaurants is a chain of fast-food restaurant well-known by its draft root beer and root beer floats. It was the first fast food franchise restaurant in Malaysia and Asia. AW is still operations until today. AW is committed to deliver customers with delicious, safe meals and operation restaurants that meet the highest food safety standards. It also quickly became a favorite gathering place for students, especially from the nearby secondary school such as La Salle and Assunta. The fast food industry is growing rapidly. It has more doubled in a few years such as, Mcdonald, Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King and Subway. Within this year, AW lost its market and plan to close down 24 outlets in Malaysia because they wish to relocate its business and operations to attain sustainable growth in future. AW are undertaking a counteractive strategy and reviewing the performance of each outlet. AWà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s market gradually been replaced by other fast food restaurant due to the lack of a dvertising. The image of AW brand image is easily substituted by other fast food restaurant that always doing all kinds of advertising, because AWà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s branding is not strength enough to stick in customerà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s mind. According to group managing director Wan Mohd Nor Wan Ahmad, he state that 24 outlet in Malaysia will close down in this year, to relocate its business and operations to attain sustainable growth. He will only retain outlets that have heavy traffic based on the increase in sales, and looking at ways to increase customersà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ satisfaction. The AW outlet is predictable to reopen in 2018, added by the source. The losses were mainly recognized to the groupà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s food operations, directed by its subsidiaries AW Malaysia. AW Malaysia challenged major setbacks in the 2011 fiscal year where it recorded losses totaling RM44.5 million, 50% which was caused by impairment losses. (Wan Mohd Nor Wan Ahmad, 2014) Members of the pub lic had expressed their frustration over the imminent closure of the iconic restaurant in December. (Local Business Daily, 2014) A Facebook page à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âSave iconic AWà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã was set up barely hours after the report surfaced. The page has gathered 260 likes within five hours of being set up, checked by The Rakyat Post. The iconic AW Malaysia is going to be revamped and will only be shut for the next three years to expedite the construction of the KUB Tower project. (The Pakyat Post, 2014) AW needs to be strategized or it will never happen of revamping after three years, and go bankrupt. STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS In considering the micro and macro impacts on a business, internal and external factors must be considered. There is a variety of tools in planning to sider these impacts of businesses, including the PESTLE, SWOT, and Porterà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s 5-Forces Analysis. Macro environmental Analysis A macro environmental analysis has been conducted using PESTLE tool, which is political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. The findings of AW Malaysia have been summarized in the table shown below. APPLY TABLE (Table 1) The macro environmental analysis review AW Malaysia faces more threats than opportunities. The most serious the economic loss, the harder to invest on development of AW Malaysia which company has relied on. In political factors and legal view, Government introduces the Good Service Tax (GST), and all those application of licenses which involve law and regulation, affect the prices for consumer. Legally, the problems of cleanliness and hygiene caused the problem in maintenance. In economic factor, the increasing of francized of other fast food restaurant such as Mcdonald, KFC, Subway and Pizza Hut impact the economy downturn in short period very quickly. The cost of raw material increases also affect AW faced major setback. The inflation of rate increases which caused impairment losses. Social factor of AW is there are out of young people budget. Due to the economic factor, which leads to increasing of prices, young people are not affordable for the fast food. Besides, currently a lot of people start to increase health condition and increase living condition, so many people started to quit or stop eating fast food. Therefore, AW Malaysia end up by reporting that AW Malaysia will be reposition its business and operation to achieve sustainable growth by close down 24 outlets in Malaysia in end of this year. For technological factor, AW outdated computer system and lack of invention and development system, affected the attractiveness to the customer. Environmental factor of AW are ecological footprint because AW reduced packaging and use more recycled material wherever possible. AW eliminated own paperboard fry cups in favors of a paper bag, containing at least 70% recycled content. This impact A W brand was eco-friendly and ecological fast food restaurants. Micro Environment Analysis A macro environmental analysis has been conducted using the Porterà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Five Forces. Five forces analysis assumes that there are five important forces that determine competitive power in a business situation. APPLY TABLE (Table 2) The micro environmental analysis review AW Malaysia faces more threats than opportunities. The bargaining power of buyer are strong, the cost to consumer of switching from AW to those competitors. AW are deal with powerful buyers, which often able to switch to other competitors easily. The supplier power of AW Malaysia is weak which affect many competitive suppliers. Number of supplier of AW is high for each key input, mostly frozen food, which a lot of supplier on market. The supplier doesnà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢t have the power and strength to control over AW in pricing. The threat of new entry of AW is easy to enter and exit, it also few economies of scale in place and training easily available. This impact new competitor is able to enter quickly and weaken the position of AW in Malaysia, and lead the reducing of profit. A threat of substitute of AW is strong which impact many affordable substitutes. There are too many similar fast food restaurants in industry which are more attractive in service and product. AW seldom improve and develop in their business, therefore is easier to let other substitute to weaken AW position. Competitive rivalry is high leads to buyer and supplier can switch to competitor with equally or more attractive product and service. AW have many competitors with offering equally or attractive products and services, so AW have little power in the situation, because supplier and buyers will go to competitors of AW if consumers do not get a good deal from AW. Internal Environmental Analysis AW Malaysia has a state of great-tasting ingredients, farmed with care. AW is proud to have high standards when it comes to AW food and drinks, which can taste it in everything they serve. AWà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s product are patented that need to apply for franchise license which are unique resource. Unique logo design license of AW are hard to get shows that AW are unique resource. AWà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s food is not fully utilized which mean supply more than demand. This lead to waste of food, it shows that AW are threshold competency. AW Malaysia are unique resource and threshold competency, this explain that AW stay marginally. SWOT Strength of AW is the first fast food restaurant invented in the United States in 1919. AW Malaysia has listed in The Malaysia Book of Records as the first franchise restaurant in Malaysia. AW also became the first Drive-in restaurant in Petaling Jaya as Iconic AW outlet. AW symbol, The Great Root Bear and their company orange color stated in peopleà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s mind. Weakness of AW, due to the problems or repositioned or close down outlets that cost its lost profit because location is not considered or rented fee is too expensive, so AW is closing down 24 outlets in Malaysia. AW has not advertised comprehensively in Malaysia. People might not find the latest promotion of AW. however the competitors have strong advertised in anywhere caused the people will almost forget AW existing and lost its reputation in the market. In order to serve the food on time and make sure the food quality is fresh by commit some improvement on their servicing and food quality. The price of AW is slightly higher than other competitors. AW having a Sen Saver lunch set but after included all the charge of beverage and service tax, it cost around RM10, which are out of budget for a normally student or worker. People could switch to mamak stall rather than fast food restaurant. AW did not fully use of the technology of updating their detail of outlets location and closing down outlets information at website and social network, which confuse consumer. Opportunity of AW is having reasonable saver lunch treat meal to target in teenage which giving them to have more affordable meal set with food quality, in the same time save their budget. AW can plan to have more Festival Promotion such as Chinese New Year, Ramadhan dinner and etc, to interest another target market. People can have their Ramadhan open dinner in AW. AW also can come out with a new set meal with collectibles gift but only for limited time only. Due to strong competitors in the market, AW have to strengthen in a dvertising or commercial by publicize their products or brand image astutely to avoid consumers forget about their existing in the market due to strong competitors in the market. AW also can increase publicity in market by corporate with some big event such as à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âRunning Dayà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã or visiting to orphanage. Threats of AW are there are lots of other fast food restaurant competitors are challenging with AW is increasing rapidly in the market. Having fast food will increase a personà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s risk of health by weight gain and obesity. Expensive fast food restaurants rented fee costly in increasing franchise in everywhere. Fast food restaurant chain changes in approach of leading in coming years which lead economic crisis. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE In last year, AW Malaysiaà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s revenue is predictable to reach RM42 million by Dec 2014. For 2014, AW is expected to push up the fast-food operatorà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s revenue to RM60 million next year. KUB announced a net loss of RM61.86 million for financial year ended Dec 31,2011 compared to a net profit of RM11.48 million in 2010. (Bernama, 2012) according to Datuk Wan Mohd Nor, he said that AW need to be capital inoculation but not selling it. He also state that working hours in shopping malls are limited and the rent is expensive, so the fast-food chain was continuously improving and optimizing its resources in present outlets to better serve its customer. To achieve profit, accounting a corrective strategy and reviewing the performance of each outlet. Any outlet which not making profit will be shut down or repositioned. Besides, preserve AW loyal customers and grab new segments like youngsters and lower middle income earners via value treats. Increase on the adv ertising and marketing strategy to create consciousness for public to after AW repositioned or open new outlets in Malaysia. KUB which is owner of AW targeted to list AW on Bursa Malaysia in 2015. STRATEGIC OPTION Basic Strategic To achieve profit with revenue of RM60 million in 2015, AW Malaysia need to be consolidation and turnaround. 40% of stake in AW Malaysia Sdn Bhd are not selling decided by KUB Malaysia Bhd (owner of AW) as the fast-food chain is assertive of a profitable turnaround after restrategize its business operations. The new outlets need to be concentrated in bustling in Klang valley where are predictable to push up the fast-food operatorà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s revenue. 24 outlets of non-profitable outlets in Malaysia close down for business consolidation exercise. By doing this action, in the same time increase AW strength by develop core competences and downsizing company weaknesses. AW Malaysia needs to be strengthen performance by property, argo, engineering and construction, and food sectors in the quarter contributed to higher profits. AW CEO Samad Mohd Shariff told to the media after briefing on its 50th anniversary event in Petaling Jaya about, reviewing at the process of opening better stores in good locations and this will bring in the revenue. (Malaysian Reserve, 2013) Strategic Direction To achieve profit with revenue RM60 million in 2015, by using Porterà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Generic Strategy method is suggested to apply differentiation in AW Malaysia. Due to the price and product service of AW, their cost is not the lowest in the industry, but the target market of AW is broad due to AW brand image value. AW has many strong competitors such as McDonald and KFC which are strongly advertised, in order to strengthen the à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"First Fast food Restaurantà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ in Malaysia slogan, AW needs to make their product and services different and more attractive to their competitors. To make a success of a differentiation strategy, AW need to have good research, development and innovation by having transformation of buildings and well train staff. AW need to strengthen the ability to deliver high quality product and service since the cost are not low but giving better value for customer. AW can implement it by giving out limited toys or attractive gift in seve ral set meal, and also offer promotion of buy more get more with attractive packaging and food, make sure the food are fresh and quality. AW competence on the signature Root Beer Float, they can make good use of the uniqueness of innovation of the product and strongly advertise that no other competitor cannot imitate. Because of the productà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s unique qualities, if suppliers increase their prices the firm may be able to pass along the costs to its customers who cannot find substitute products easily. Specific Strategic To achieve profit with revenue RM60 million in 2015, in Ansoff Matrix strategy, AW should be using market penetration method to boost up their business. AW is the first fast food restaurant in Malaysia; therefore there is existing product to existing customers. AW need to practice several ways to achieve the target. AW should be changing the pricing, packaging, and adding minor features and most importantly, strongly increase advertising or add more sales people to increase sales. AW owners giving out discounting, vouchers to win business from competitors through competitive pricing. Besides, AW also can introduced fat free or low fat version of set lunch to counter a trend towards reduced consumption since people start to increase health condition. AW can plan to have more Festival Promotion to push dinner set for target market like family to have their gathering open dinner in AW. By choosing market penetration, this strategy is the lowest risk to have growth of AW Malaysia for s urvival. (Igoh H. Ansoff, 1957) STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION The current style of the management of AW Malaysia is middle of the road leader in Blake and Moutonà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Leadership Grid. Manager of AW did not push their staff to hit sales or stress them with cleaning up the environment. Manager did not offer additional training or opportunities to attend promoter training. Customer gets their order on time alright, but no additional services like welcoming customer from the door to the seat. As a result, employees of AW neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their job, and their performance is average. Brandy is a middle-of-the-road-leader. The leader of AW has balanced concern for both production and people, settles for average performance from employees. This leadership is good, but AW manager leadership can be better. Manager should perform like team manager, which very concern about people and high task concern. With this style, AW could maximize the concern for both task and people. At the same time, employees promote active participation and teamwork creates open and comfortable environment, enough to keep staff motivated. (Kat, 2014) In Hersey and Blanchard model, AW Malaysia manager has leadership of participating or supporting. Leader attitude is low task focus with high relationship focus. The worker atmosphere is good but the tasks are not well commitment, able but unwilling or insecure in doing task. Staff of AW can do the job, but is refusing to do and showing insufficient commitment. Manager did not fear about reminding them what to do instead of concern with finding out reason the staff is rejecting and thence encourage them to cooperate. In this case, AW manager are suggested to be delegating and observing, a low task and low relationship style where the leader allows the group to take responsibility for task decisions. Staff at this level has do not need for support or frequent praise, although as with anyone, occasional acknowledgment is always welcome. Staff must have an attitude with h igh willingness and ability to change or motivated. (Hersey, 1999) STRATEGIC CONTROL The balanced scorecard complemented traditional financial measures with criteria that measured performance from three additional perspectives, such as got those of customers, learning and growth, internal business processes and financial. Some companies move beyond early vision for the scorecard to determine its value as the foundation of a new strategic management system. By using that way, the scorecard addresses a serious shortage in traditional management system. (Robert S, 2014) There are four processes in managing strategy, which is translating the vision, communicating and linking, feedback and learning and business planning. AW are recommended to apply this strategy by controlling the company vision and strategy. This strategy helps managers to build a compromise and let managers communicate their strategy up and down the organization and link it to departmental and individual goals. The scorecard would give manager of AW a way of confirming that all levels of the organi zation understand the long-term strategy and that both departmental and individual objectives are united with it. This strategy enables AW to integrate their business and financial plans. When managers use the motivated goals set for balanced scorecard measures as the basis for assigning resources and setting primacies, they can undertake and synchronize only those initiatives that move them toward their objectives. With this strategy also gives companies the volume for strategy learning, company can monitor short-term results from the three additional perspectives and appraise strategy in the light of recent performance. (David P.Norton 2014) CONCLUSION In conclusion, AW Malaysia Sdn Bhd needs to be innovated. By referring to strategy that mentioned in the report, it will have chance of survival and profitable.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Movie Clybourne Park By Bruce Norris Essay
On Friday, September 23, the University of Central Florida Theatre Program performed Clybourne Park, written by Bruce Norris, which was directed by David Reed. Clybourne Park satirizes racism and how foolish people were in not being able to accept the differences among each other. The late 1950ââ¬â¢s was a time when racism was at its peak, which caused serious turmoil amongst fellow American citizens. Clybourne Park is a play about how society needs to progress and embrace change. Set in 1959 Chicago in the first act, the neighborhood association is trying to prevent a colored family from buying a middle-class white familyââ¬â¢s home. As the second act comes around, the story is set in the 2000ââ¬â¢s in the same neighborhood, but now the neighborhood is predominately black. A white family is buying back into the neighborhood and change that home to counter what has come of the neighborhood. Due to the black box theater making the audience feel more in touch with the actors , it enhanced the experience and made it more believable. It felt as if the characters were talking directly to the audience and at some points, in the play, I wanted to chime in on what was happening because of how foolish some of the reasonings and arguments were. The actors words were believable, but considering the fact that I do not share the same beliefs as those frustrated with a black family moving into an all-white community, these words did not reside well with me. I do not relate to a specificShow MoreRelatedClybourne Park1002 Words à |à 5 Pages Word Count: 1,002 Clybourne Park Essay The Broadway play ââ¬Å"Clybourne Parkâ⬠is based off the movie and play ââ¬Å"The Raisin in the Sunâ⬠. It is written by Bruce Norris and was honored with many awards including the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for drama and the Tony Award for best play. Bruce Norris wrote the play by having it pick up right where ââ¬Å"The Raisin in the Sunâ⬠left off. By doing this, Bruce Norris picks up where the drama was and shows the racial tensions in the 1950ââ¬â¢s and 1960ââ¬â¢s up until present
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Differences in Ancient Rome and Han China - 944 Words
Han China and Classical Rome When comparing Han China and Classical Rome, many political, geographical, and religious similarities can be found, though many differences are also prevalent. Though Roman and Han political structures both emphasized bureaucracies, they came to them quite differently. Through copious amounts of expansion, both societies spread culture and earned money, though expansion was eventually their downfalls. Their religions differed immensely, with Rome emphasizing polytheism and Han China focusing on Confucianism. The differences and similarities between these two civilizations are to be discussed in this essay. Though both Rome and the Han dynasty were bureaucracies, both respective bureaucracies were quiteâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Though they were both able to trade due to their expansions and coasts, Rome did much more trade than Han China. Also, due to this vastness, both societiesââ¬â¢ cultures were spread all over the world (which led to other civilizations forming) and their economies were boosted (which led to better conditions for the people). Religion in Rome and Han China had several similarities and differences. Not only did both their religions support political loyalty, and involvement, but they also played a huge role in society. Confucianism in Han China emphasized how to act towards others, especially parents and elders, and how to know ones place in society. Daoism there also emphasized nature and harmony, as Polytheism in Rome also focused on nature and how to care for and understand it. Polytheism in Rome was truly the center of all Roman tradition, as the gods and goddesses required many sacrifices and festivals in their honor. However, Confucianism was more of a social/political mindset than an actual religion, as it had no true god. Polytheism, however, had an overabundance of gods and goddesses, who were to be feared and regarded as sacred. It did not, however, focus on ethical thought and how to live, as Confucianism did extensively. Both Han China and Rome did have high tolerances for other religions, as long as they did not get in the way of state loyalty. Both societiesââ¬â¢ political structures focused on Confucianism and polytheism, respectively, but the people were notShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Imperial Rome And Han China938 Words à |à 4 Pages These two great empires Imperial Rome and Han China both had highly advanced political structures. These two empires both had highly political structures because Not only that but both of these two empires held on and retained many aspects from their previous empires or systems, like the Han Empire used aspects from the Qin dynasty while Imperial Rome used aspects from the Roman Republic. 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Is ââ¬ÅOthelloââ¬Â Best Regarded as a Domestic Tragedy free essay sample
Written in 1604, during Shakespeareââ¬â¢s great tragic period, ââ¬Å"Othelloâ⬠is one of his most highly concentrated, tightly constructed tragedies, with no subplots and little humour to relieve the tension. Although he adapted the plot of his play from the sixteenth-century Italian dramatist and novelist Giraldi Cinthios Gli Hecatommithi, Shakespeare related almost every incident directly to the development of Iagos schemes and Othellos escalating fears. This structure heightens the tragedys ominous mood and makes the threat to both Desdemonas innocence and the love she and Othello share more terrifying.Because of its varied themes of racism, love, jealousy and betrayal the play remains relevant today and is still quite popular. A domestic tragedy takes place in a personal setting. In ââ¬Å"Othelloâ⬠, the men are in Cyprus to fight a war. However, the tragedy is the events within the relationships of the central characters. There is little discussion of the war and, although Desdemona blames state matters for Othellos change in behavior, the real problems Othello faces are matters of the heart. A tragedy of state is when the tragic events effect more than just the protagonist, but also the government or kingdom that they belong to. In ââ¬Å"Othelloâ⬠, when Othello dies much of Venice is shocked and mourns him, as they have lost a great soldier and a great friend to the noblemen. It can be argued that ââ¬Å"Othelloâ⬠is a domestic tragedy as opposed to a state tragedy because in essence, the only people affected are a man and his wife, and their closest confidents and there is no impact on society. Othelloâ⬠also fits domestic tragedy conventions regarding the tragic protagonists being ââ¬Ëordinaryââ¬â¢, middle-class or lower-class individuals. This subgenre contrasts with classical and neoclassical tragedy, in which the protagonists are of kingly or aristocratic rank and their downfall is an affair of state as well as a personal matter. Therefore ââ¬Å"Othelloâ⬠is suitable to this genre because the characters are not noble or royal. On the other hand ââ¬Å"Othelloâ⬠could be disputed to be a tragedy of state because Othello himself, as a character, is a Venetian general.In other Shakespeare plays such as ââ¬Å"Macbethâ⬠, ââ¬Å"King Learâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Hamletâ⬠society is also impacted on because the majority of them have, as their central characters, kings and queens. The tragic outcomes of the plays effect whole countries and their future politics. The character of Othello is that of a calm and polite man. He expresses a powerful and dignified persona. Apart from the negative racial pressure his skill as a soldier and leader is nevertheless valuable and necessary to the state, and he is an integral part of Venetian civic society. The Venetian government trusts Othello enough to put him in full martial and political command of Cyprus. This fact is evidence that the play could indeed be categorised as a tragedy of state, as he is so valued to the state, his death would leave an impact on their matter. The play is centred on the relationship between Othello and Desdemona. Othello clearly loves Desdemona and this is expressed by the way he addresses her and speaks of her ââ¬Å"Fair ladyâ⬠(act I sc. III) ââ¬Å"Honey O my sweet, I prattle out of fashion, and I doteâ⬠(act II sc. I) ââ¬Å"sweeting; come away to bedâ⬠(act II sc. III) ââ¬Å"sweet Desdemonâ⬠(act III sc.III) ect. Later he goes on to describe her with such beauty and poise. The relationship between Othello and Desdemona is presented in different ways throughout the play. At the start it seems passionate and strong as it is not a physical love, but much deeper than that, Othello states; ââ¬Å"She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I loved her that she did pity themâ⬠(act I sc. III). As they battle the approval of Brabantio they are strong as a unit and that is presented by Desdemona defending her husband. However as the play progresses the strength of their relationship dwindles due to Iagoââ¬â¢s interference.This is exposed by Othelloââ¬â¢s growing concern about Desdemonaââ¬â¢s affair, revealing that he obviously doesnââ¬â¢t trust her. As the play progresses even further it is blatant that their relationship is no more when Othello kills Desdemona in a jealous rage and a dismal attempt to save his pride. In Desdemonaââ¬â¢s last words it is apparent that she and Othelloââ¬â¢s relationship meant something to her and she is deeply hurt and saddened as she is ââ¬Å".. . falsely murdered! â⬠(act V sc. II). Yet staying true to her husband in a final act of love she tries to redeem him of wronging her by saying that she killed herself.Desdemona is a more plausible and well-rounded figure, a good, faithful and obedient wife. She tends to be seen and presented as a stereotypically weak and submissive character however we see in Act I Scene III that this is not the case when she declares her love for Othello and defends him against the claims of witchcraft that he faces. When asked where most she owes obedience, she retorts; ââ¬Å"My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty. To you I am bound for life, and education: My life and education both do learn me, how to respect you. You are the Lord of duty, I am hitherto your daughter.But hereââ¬â¢s my husband; and so much duty, as my mother showââ¬â¢d to you, preferring you before her father: So much I challenge, that I may profess Due to the Moor my Lord. â⬠(act I sc. III) However, as the marriage progresses she becomes very submissive, shown on the occasions when Othello is in a jealous rage and acts dismissive, rude and violent toward her. She does not retaliate, only obeys. ââ¬Å"Be as your fancies teach you; whateââ¬â¢er you be, I am obedientâ⬠(act III sc. III) ââ¬Å"Heaven keep the monster from Othelloââ¬â¢s mind! â⬠(act III sc. IV) and after Othello strikes her; ââ¬Å"I have not deserved thisI will not stay to offend you. â⬠Act V Scene II sees Othello smother Desdemona to her death and yet, in her final breath, she tries to defend him again by saying it was suicide. This must only prove her undying love and care for Othello. First to risk her relationship with her father to marry Othello, then to accept his unacceptable behaviour and to be so sympathetic and understanding in his jealous rage, to as go so far to forgive him for murdering her and trying to make it better for him shows that she fulfilled her role as a ââ¬Ëwifeââ¬â¢ and that she loved him very much.Desdemona herself is a member of a politically powerful family; she therefore elevates Othelloââ¬â¢s status to the elite of Venice. Iago is the villainous character of the play. He is described by almost everyone in the play as ââ¬Ëhonest Iagoââ¬â¢ (act II sc. III, act V sc. II) as he misrepresents himself as appearing to be honest, in order to deceive and misdirect people. He constantly tells Othello that he loves him and complies with him. Iagoââ¬â¢s motive is simple and petty, he is furious with Othello for assigning Cassio as his lieutenant as oppose to himself.Therefore he convinces Othello into thinking that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. Although Othello is the protagonist, Iago has more lines and plays a bigger part in the play. Without Iagoââ¬â¢s involvement, the play would not be so tragic. Some could say that Iago was the cause of Othelloââ¬â¢s downfall. However this is not so true. Because, Othello was rashly influenced and chose to believe Iagoââ¬â¢s lies, he was not forced to believe such insinuations. Still, he chose to believe these things, if only out of pride and fear of being made a fool of ââ¬Å"Who would not make her husband a cuckold to make him a monarch? (act IV sc. III). Though Othelloââ¬â¢s lack of self knowledge makes him an easy prey for Iago, once Iago triggers Othelloââ¬â¢s jealousy and gets the darker aspects of Othelloââ¬â¢s nature into action, there is nothing Othello can do to stop it, since he cannot even admit that he obtains these darker traits. Othelloââ¬â¢s true personality is also responsible for his fate, with an inside battle between ââ¬Å"the noble Moorâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"Malignant and turbaned Turkâ⬠(act V sc. II), he is the victim of two sides fighting inside his body and soul, which results in the dramatic and tragic ending that takes place.The whole scenario happens so quickly but yet there are a few pivotal scenes that are relevant to domestic tragedy; Act III Scene III, Act IV Scene I, Act V Scene II. In conclusion, althoug h not fully following the classical tragedy conventions, I personally think that ââ¬Å"Othelloâ⬠is best regarded as a tragedy of state for the reasons that Othello is highly respected and ultimately needed by Venetians whilst being a ruler when in Cyprus. I feel that his death does impact on society as he befriended many and he was the finest general in the Venetian army.
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